78 Best Ways On How To Change Your Mindset (2023)

Hello, winner. Do you want to know how to change your mindset?

You are, so I am glad to have you here.

With the best intentions and personal experiences, I would like to invite you to start the change of your mindset from this moment on, because, there’s obviously a reason you found my article. 

So, let this be the invitation for you to step into the change of your mindset. It will make all the difference.

How to change your mindset?

Here is my list about the best ways to change your mindset for you to get your hands on and to get that mindset shift going.

Let’s get into this.

1. Become Conscious Of Your Thinking

Awareness is the major step. Take a moment for this every day. Was I overthinking? Was I doubting myself? In order to change and master yourself, you have to become conscious of what’s limiting you in your (desired) growth. When you catch that thought or feeling, ask yourself: does it serve me? When you start to increase that awareness, you will want to compel action.

2. Create Routine

Set up the essentials you want to be doing in your days. Aside from stress reduction as a result, this will also cause you to have a solid base to start developing other habits. You literally decide the use of your time from then on. Also, recognize and acknowledge that no routine is also a routine. Let that one sink in.

3. Get Up Early

Maybe you’re not a morning person, but I invite you to let go of that, because I know you want to have this in your system. Getting up early is an indicator of daily successes for one simple reason: you have already achieved something early on and that victory carries on in your other tasks. Another bonus: more time.

4. Meditate

Meditation literally means becoming familiar with a new future. With meditation you separate from the material world and it slows down the brain waves (from beta to alpha, the relaxed and uncritical state or even theta, twilight zone awake-asleep). You enter your subconscious mind, allowing you to uncritically think, feel and visualize what you want.

5. Manage Your Sleeping Schedule & Sleep Quality

Your sleep carries your functioning. During sleep, your brain processes and organizes and this allows you to build on that for the next day. By optimizing your sleep, you increase your productivity, focus, organization and the execution of your daily schedule.

6. Get In Touch With Nature

Being in nature separates us from the busy and rushed civilization. It reconnects you to your inner self and provides a ‘reset moment’. Step into nature every day so you can treat yourself with a closer and more grounded connection.

7. Get Present And Live Moment By Moment

Too floaty? Let me break it down for you. If you want to (re)gain control, go to the space and time where you have control, the here and now. The past is out of your control, you can’t change it, and the future is dependent on what you do, think and feel right now. Everything draws back to now.

8. Invite Wisdom From Your Past

Think about what you would not have learned if something didn’t happen back then. Then, utilize this wisdom and merge it with who you are today and see yourself becoming. By doing this, you reframe situations; you make a core change in the attitude towards them.

9. Forgive Yourself

We are humans. We do things we regret, we feel resentment or disappointment towards the actions we’ve done, but when you’re still strangled with these emotions that stem from the past, you are LIVING in the past. Forgive yourself, learn, and move on.

10. Eliminate A Bad Habit

I’m sure you can think of that one habit that stands in your way. Rid yourself from blaming your environment and take responsibility to step up. You are the only limit.

11. Cultivate A New Habit

Start to understand that habits are carriers of who you are. Find something that enhances your identity, that solidifies with the kind of person you want to become and implement this behaviour every single day. Start small by becoming familiar with the 2-Minute Rule and optimisation can follow from that point on.

12. Understand Your Resistance

Resistance doesn’t only stem from not wanting to do or change something. In most cases – if not in all of them – resistance mirrors your feelings of lack, thinking you can’t do it or that you’re not good enough. I am here to tell you that you can & you are.

13. Step Out Of Your Comfort Zone

A comfort zone is an internal place where you’re not pushed enough to explore boundaries, discover opportunities and learn in new situations. Become aware of this and invite yourself to not only say yes, but to actuallydo it and see what happens.

14. Let Go Of The Illusion Of Control

Remember that time you had something in your control and it then slipped from your fingers? While the circumstances may not immediately change, there’s a secret: you do have control over how you internally deal with what happens and you can alter your approach at all times.

15. Cultivate Gratification Moments

Our society is obsessed with providing quick satisfaction and gratification. Don’t settle for this, as it’s only temporary and will therefore lead to disappointment. Have a deeper dive into what you’re actually grateful for, like connection or love, as these are unconditional.

16. Become Familiar With Reading Books

Put your screen and the addiction away. Find something you want to learn about and become a (habitual!) reader. Reading books on transformation is an excellent means to connect with yourself on a higher and deeper level.

17. Get In Touch With Music

Music releases the hormone oxytocin and this hormone is related to positive and happy feelings (‘love and connection’ hormone). Not only that, music gives a rewarding feeling, and that rewarding feeling releases dopamine, the ‘feel good’ hormone. This has in turn an influence on your motivation and willpower.

18. Grow Belief In Yourself

It’s not worth it to have your limiting beliefs stand in the way of your desired successes. Not just that, by increasing your belief you will have less of a hard time both acknowledging and facing obstacles.

19. Say “No”

Get straight on things that do and don’t serve you, as well as on people who ask you to do something for them. Ask yourself this: do I actually want to, or am I doing this to externally validate my worth? If it’s the latter, consider saying no.

20. Verbalise How You Feel

You matter. It’s not worth being run over when you could’ve said something to stand your ground. Express how you think and feel, because this is where you will find out if you’re being listened to and understood by.

21. Turn Perfectionism Into Being Quality Driven

Aren’t these the same? In a way, but it’s about the attitude and approach towards it. While the term perfectionism carries negative associations, being quality driven does not. Evolve your perfectionism into being quality driven.

22. Check Who You Hang Out With

There is a saying: “You become who you hang out with”, or this one: “You become like the 5 people you spend the most time with”. Observe and become aware of the influence people have in your environment and decide if their energy brings out the best in you.

23. Become (More) Assertive

Let this thought go through your mind: What if I don’t show up for what I want? And: What would I miss out on? Let the outcomes of those thoughts be the drivers to put your foot on the gas pedal.

24. Learn From People Who Inspire You

Observe what they do, how they think, why they express themselves in the way they do and what it gives them. Have their teachings be driven home, for you to use them as well.

25. Get Rid Of Self-Sabotage

Become aware of your limiting beliefs and how they have an influence in your daily life. Self-doubt, unworthiness, lack and separation are examples everyone has dealt with for at least a few times. And it stops you from success, let that be the urgency driver to eliminate self-sabotage.

26. Eliminate Procrastination

Create a winning environment for yourself. Things you need to do your tasks, have them prepared and close. Setting yourself up to win = destruction of procrastination.

27. Clean Space ⇔ Clear Head

This is an ongoing loop. A space tells me a lot about one’s mind and vice versa. Set up your environment, get rid of stuff that distracts you, clean your space on a regular basis and you will literally create room in your mind. The same goes for your mindset (organizing your brain).

28. Embrace Adversity

Adversities give you insight into what you need to alter in your path. Instead of letting it bring you down, use the knowledge to step up and rise even higher.

29. Let Mistakes Be Part Of Your Steering Wheel

Mistakes don’t mean failure when you choose to turn them into learning assets: you wouldn’t have your successes if you didn’t make mistakes. You can have them determining your lack or growth. You decide.

30. Be Curious About Opportunities

Expect the unexpected. Lean into your curiosity about new opportunities and the prospect of increasing your growth as a person. It’s all about that change of mindset.

31. Try Out New Directions

Don’t get strangled with the idea that choices determine one specific path, because that’s a flawed belief. Put yourself out there to explore, think outside the box and take the leap.

32. Turn Resourcefulness Into Your Ultimate Resource

Where do resources originally come from? There you go, resourcefulness. Make this your greatest solutionoriented asset, for then the resources to come your way.

33. Become Your Own Best Friend

For the purpose of creating a positive mindset, increase your self-value, as it will result in a rise in your resilience. You will want to have this when it comes to adversity, problems in a relationship or friendship, loss and limiting beliefs. By becoming whole with yourself, not so many things will bring you out of balance.

34. Swim In The Good Opinion Of Yourself

Because swimming upstream in the river of others is a road to nowhere. Negative thoughts create negativity. So, instead, think positive about yourself, as it’s the key to have the belief in achieving your goals. When you’ve created a resilient self, you wouldn’t even feel the need to get validation from others (in the end most don’t actually care).

35. Practice The Art Of Showing Up

What makes a habit a habit? You put consistent effort into it. Show up to your developing habits, your growth work and build momentum. Don’t try to go from 0 to 100 (I know you like to do so), but work on consistency, for then persistence to follow.

36. Nurture The Seeds You Plant

You can grow amazingly looking plants, but if you don’t take care of them, don’t nurture their needs to thrive, it’s nothing more than seeds destined to stay underground. 

37. Listen To Self-Talk

Pay closer attention to your inner speech and for those talking to themselves, listen to that negative self talk. Let’s say you think or say, ‘I can’t do this‘. Would you be doing it, let alone have the belief in it? Think about this for a moment and get to work.

38. Set Clear Goals

Become clear with what it is that you want to achieve, because that allows you to dwell into the feelings when you ticked off that goal. What do you want and how would it feel when you have it?

39. Prioritise Yourself

You are the most important person in the experience we call life. Don’t take this the egotistical way. In order to serve other people, you need to be in alignment with your self-value and standards. Get this right and what you then can give is only an addition, not a gap to fill.

40. Lean Into Your Desires & Goals

Don’t keep on dreaming. Don’t chase. Lean into what it is that you want, that is meeting the dream halfway. This is where opportunities and actions show up.

41. Cultivate Patience

Learn and understand that behind every skill you’re learning, there are stages that you go through. In order to go from conscious incompetence to conscious competence, you need vision, consistency and persistence. The carrier of all of these things is, surprise, patience.

42. Boost Your Productivity

The baseline is to have a closer look at your time management, routine, habits (good and bad) and your beliefs. Productivity is more than a quantitive concept, there is more of a mindset involved with it. Successful people are constantly invested in optimizing their productivity.

43. Become Decisive

To put it simply. Do you want to move forward? Make a decision that you feel like leaning into the most. Also, it’s not just the decision (end product). It’s the decisioning process that takes place before. Effectively and efficiently invest in this time, because that’s what will strengthen your decisiveness. 

44. Live Each Day As If You Would Learn Something New

By doing this, you create openness to possibilities, before there is even an opportunity. This prior openness causes you to be extra suggestible and you will pick up on learning possibilities a lot faster.

45. Become Comfortable With Being Uncomfortable

This is famous among the entrepreneurial mindset. Change comes with feeling discomfort, because you’re stepping out of that familiar place. By becoming comfortable with being uncomfortable you’re allowing yourself to step into change. You can choose to stay the same uncomfortably or to grow uncomfortably. Your decision.

46. Develop A Leader’s Mindset

You can have life throwing you into corners and in front of lions, or you can decide from this moment on that you put the dragon carrying your goals behind you, so you won’t quit. Get rid of the idea that the environment dictates where you go, claim your path and lead the way.

47. Build Momentum In Your Focus & Attention

Momentum means a consistent movement, that is in this case having a consistent flow of focus and attention. The carriers of building momentum lie with the essentials: setting up the environment, investing in self belief and having meaningful discipline (knowing what you’re doing it for).

48. Improve Your Time Management

Decide the thing(s) you want to have done today and know your blind spots or possible delaying indicators (like perfectionism or acquiring a skill completely new to you). Then, apply this formula: good enough – move on – come back later. This allows you to put the wanted effort into it with the least risk for disappointment.

49. Persevere To Succeed

Many people quit when things get difficult. I urge you to know that this is the exact moment where you shouldn’t quit. Think about the longer run, what it will give you and hold onto that.

50. Set Your Boundaries

Have a closer look at things that hold you back in doing and learning things. It’s the same with people in your environment. Can you tell them both good and bad news? Do they invest in you? You deserve to thrive, so create that scenario by setting boundaries.

51. (Re)define Your Values

Defining your values helps you understand why you do the things you do on a deeper level. By redefining and being open to redefining them you make the active move to align with the person you want to become. 

52. Get Beyond Judgment

Think about this analogy: a coin always has two sides. What you see isn’t always what there actually is. Place yourself in that person’s behavior or situation. You will find out you could’ve been just the same. More the reason to let go of that judgment. 

53. Aim High

But what if I get disappointed? Let me drive this home. If you think like this with every goal you want to set or with every opportunity that comes, you will always be standing on the sidelines or picking up the scraps. If you want to be great, you have to think greater.

54. Stop Comparing Yourself

Comparing yourself to other people (and what they do and/or have) is a sign that comes from lack and separation. Instead, let them be the invitation for you to step up and make changes to achieve what you want.

55. Turn Fear Into Courage

Fear is a sign you think you’re not good enough to do something or that something negative happens. Ask yourself: what is the worst thing that can happen? And the most important question: what if I do go for it? Facing your fears can be daunting, yes, but don’t let it stop you, as you are the only person who can make it possible.

56. Become Okay With Not Being Okay

Allow your thoughts and emotions to be. Take a moment to tell yourself, ‘I think and feel like this, and that’s okay’. It will immediately lift off the pressure of having to feel good all the time, giving you the proper amount of room to process and take lessons from it.

57. Be Honest

Dishonesty will only lead to more disappointment and false beliefs. Align your beliefs with how you act and speak and the other way around, that is true authenticity to yourself and in turn to the environment. 

58. Ask Questions

Albert Einstein once said: “The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existing”. Be passionately curious about yourself, what and who’s around you. Because if you don’t ask, you won’t know, let alone understand.

59. Improve Your Memory

By increasing your memory abilities, the logical outcomes are not only that you will be able to acquire a skill faster, it allows you to hold the understanding (what/why you’re learning) and the execution (how it’s done) for a longer amount of time, if not forever built-in.

60. Tame Your Overanalysing

Overanalyzing has you thinking in doom scenarios and if this endures for a longer time, you will actually start living as if that doom scenario is happening. Stress hormones rise and there is less and less room to create. It slows you down, so get present and take your place in the driver’s seat.

61. Find A Mentor

A mentor can help you to hold yourself accountable and to give feedback. They check with you if you’re still on the right track and thrive with your goals and victories.

62. Meet New People

Open up to the possibility of meeting amazing, resonating people. It is guaranteed you will find out more about your own standards, values, perspectives and become inspired by others to invest even more in your mindset.

63. Share Your Journey

I’ll be honest with you. People don’t like complete, fulfilled stories. Don’t be afraid to tell where you came from, how many times you started over and the countless lessons you learned, because it’s what it took to be where you are now and what your next steps are.

64. Continue When You Stumble

Stumbling and struggling are signs you’re learning. Instead of deciding to give up when things get more difficult, be curious about exploring new ways to optimize your learning. We can only grow when we also discover the things that don’t work and it’s in your power to either learn stumbling or give up losing.

65. Ask & Embrace Feedback

Asking feedback shows dedication to your learning process and embracing allows you to step off the human urge to have it validating your worth. Don’t be afraid to ask them to further explain for your own understanding and then use what resonates with you.

66. Be Bold & Peristent

Success is determined by confidence and fortitude. Have your words and actions aligned with your mindset. Determine what you want, claim it and live by it.  

67. Utilise Confrontations

It’s inevitable you stumble upon walls or that you discover something about yourself. You most certainly will with your awareness rising. See it as the best thing happening for you, because this is the opportunity to grow and transform. Do you want it to be a setback, or the drive to move forward?

68. Speak Empowering Words

A quotation from Plato: “Wise men speak because they have something to say; fools because they have to say something”. When it comes to practicing what you preach, you have to be practicing your speech first. Learn the semantics about something and align that knowledge with your being.

69. Have A Winner’s Mindset

It’s time to get beyond the ‘this always happens to me’ mindset. Instead of limiting yourself to being a victim of life, become the CEO, the conqueror, the resilient human being setting themselves up to win. 

70. Enjoy The Process

Lean into the end, but enjoy the process and acceleration that goes on beforehand at least as much. If you don’t include that in your victory and during the journey, you will miss out on the valuable lessons. No process, no end. So: enjoy the ride.

71. Focus On Mission-Management

Efficient time management is only effective when you have your mission clearly in mind at all times and how this relates to how you best divide your time. Combine the two together and you’ll have the formula to success.

72. Distance From Social Media

As much as you like to say it’s not distracting that much or that it’s not leaving you dependent, open up to the idea of how much extra mental room (and hours) you will get so you can be even more productive and investing in the future you want.

73. Don’t Be Afraid To Ask For Help

Asking help does NOT equal weakness. See it as the opportunity to become inspired by new ideas and to get a broader spectrum of possibilities to pursue. In the end, it’s your decision to follow up with the given advice or not, but be passionately curious about what others like to share with you.

74. Consistency Is The Winning Indicator

Consistency is an early sign you’re on the right track. As soon as you start working on consistency, you will notice how it turns into a solid habit. It’s a solid habit you won’t quit, and it will therefore lead you to the path of success.

75. Step Into The Unknown

The known and the familiar don’t invite you to make the big changes you want. Step out of that unfulfilling comfort zone and surrender to greater opportunities and possibilities, because it’s the unknown that you can create from. So, get up and expect the unexpected.

76. Find Your Purpose

Want to put that mindset on sharp? Get clear on what it is that you want to fulfill in life. What is that deeper purpose and why is it important to find your purpose now? What makes the fire go on inside you? What is it you want to offer to the world? Living by a purpose adds meaning, substance, depth and therefore success in how you make your way in life.

77. Channel Your Thoughts

By channeling you steer your thoughts to a particular potential. Now, with a mindset change, you want to channel your thoughts up to the highest potential. What you put out there, will reflect its way back to you and what you create with fearful thoughts, manifestation will find its way back to you in a similar sense. It’s for that reason to aim high and through love.

78. Work On Energy Managment

Increasing your energy is the best way to get more done faster and better. Take your breaks, protect your emotional energy by viewing events through the lense of acceptance and growth, spare energy by avoiding distractions and seek activities that give you a sense of meaning and purpose.

Want to change? Good. Now go for it.

Because the discomfort of growth is always less dangerous than the illusion of safety. Until the mindset change becomes an obsession and you’re not aware of the negative patterns, your goal will never grow into movement. Make it a practice in your everyday life, acquire new skills and see how this plays into self improvement.

Changing your mindset can alter your perspective and help you to see your life differently, as well as how you continue to approach life. What it needs is intentional effort and ultimately, it will pay off. Guaranteed.

It’s the mindset that shows how you perceive everything within and without and a growth mindset creates power. With that being said, your mindset matters.

And remember, you can because you will.

Until the next.

Thriving with you, always.
