Happiness Doesn’t Wait: Ask Your Heart & It Shall Answer

Happiness Doesn’t Wait: Ask Your Heart & It Shall Answer

Only recently had I this Eureka-moment when I was reading my book (Reality Transurfing by Vadim Zeland). It had to do with this sentence: The mind thinks and the heart knows. And seconds after, I came to realise it correlates with this very common saying:  You know more than you think. Sounds relatable? This really…

9 Lessons From Life: Navigating the Absurdities of Being Alive

9 Lessons From Life: Navigating the Absurdities of Being Alive

Hello, fellow human being. In this experience we call life, we’re bound to stumble into many obstacles, collect victories, learn reframing perspectives for a more meaningful life and to ‘simply’ (re-)open our eyes when we’ve experienced a situation in which life throws us into corners. Life doesn’t come with a manual, let us not forget….

5 Best Manifestation Techniques To Leave Your Old Life Behind

5 Best Manifestation Techniques To Leave Your Old Life Behind

Greetings, incredible being. There is something I want to share with you. As we cross through life, many of us come to a point where our current path and lifestyle don’t reflect who we want to be. We long for something more and begin thinking about how best to leave behind our old existence, but…

How Your Lowest Point Is Your Greatest Potential

How Your Lowest Point Is Your Greatest Potential

Hello, beautiful human being. I hope you’re feeling amazing today. And if that’s not the case, you’re either feeling even better or (a lot) less than amazing, that’s all okay. You are human, you get to experience a thousand emotions throughout your life. Some of which you don’t wish to feel or that you can’t…

7 Out Of The Box Productivity Hacks That Transform Your Life

7 Out Of The Box Productivity Hacks That Transform Your Life

Hey, you. Are you fed up with procrastination? Is it true you feel disappointed after realising you didn’t do all the work you intended on doing? You are definitely not alone. You want to make the changes and it’s in your power to boost and maximise productivity. In this post I will cover some out…